Student Loans
It is possible to increase your student loan amounts in order to help fund your study abroad program, as long as certain criteria are met. The following is intended for general informational purposes only. For specific information about how to increase your financial aid award amount, you must contact your financial aid advisor.
Criteria to Increase Student Loans
Be registered for the academic course that is connected to the travel. If you are going on a Global Ed. Course, you must register for the connected academic course to use financial aid. If you are taking a TS100 or not taking the course for credit and just traveling with the group, then you may not use financial aid to fund your travel.
Be registered at least half-time during the term you are receiving aid. For undergraduates this means you must be registered for at least 6 credits to receive aid towards your study abroad.
Register for courses that work towards your degree requirements. For example, if you have completed your language requirement and all of your elective credits, then you may have problems using your financial aid if you register for language courses overseas.
Complete the Cost of Attendance Form in your account, and return it to the Study Abroad Office. Subsequently, the Financial Aid Office will contact you about increasing your loan amount.