Student Teaching and Family Life Practicum


For Student Teaching, CUAA students can spend 16 weeks abroad and CUW students can spend 9 weeks abroad with the option of student teaching at the following locations:

Hong KongHong Kong






UruguayUruguay (Spring Only)


There's no need to know the local language, as these schools are all bilingual. Placements for the Concordia International Schools, run through the LCMS, are coordinated by Julie Johnson of Concordia University-Nebraska. All other placements are coordinated directly with the CUAA School of Education and Study Abroad Office.  

Intern Abroad with Family Life

Hungary Junior High Youth
This program allows students to experience working in a field that provides the incredible privilege of helping families cope with whatever life throws at them. 

Placements have been offered in the past in Bangalore, India, and in Middelburg, South Africa. Students work closely with Asst. Professor Josh Kittleman to create a practicum experience unique to the student's interests.

Want to learn more? Schedule an advising appointment today